Scientific Conference GPW 2021

Декабрь 12, 2021

Scientific Conference GPW 2021

Science or business? We will say: science & business.

Although science and business differ a lot in Elhand Transformatory, we believe that it is at the junction of business and science, practice and theory that innovation happens. It is the technological and scientific progress that shows that every idea can be realised, but, beware, you have to share the knowledge.

Elhand Transformatory expert Bartosz Borecki spoke last weekend at the scientific conference "Generation, Transmission, Utilisation" about the negative impact of frequency converters and methods to improve it.

Such exchange of knowledge and experience or joint projects and research are part of our search for solutions, and cooperation with science is a standard that benefits the customer, science and industry.
The Scientific Conference Generation-Transmission-Use (GPW) has been held periodically since 2014. The topics of the Conference include electrical engineering, electronics, power engineering, automation, mechatronics.

Foto: Konferencja Naukowa „Generacja, Przesył, Wykorzystanie”

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